My 2024 word of the year

September 18, 2024

Word for 2024

My 2024 word of the year: cozy

I'm going to be honest with you. My 2024 word of the year was supposed to be something more… hustle-y. I love achieving goals. I love big vision. I love dreaming up new projects and finishing them.

This is unarguably a massive year for Mood House Massage+Sauna and my professional life. Our team and client community are the largest they've ever been, and Mood House Oakhurst is opening this year - targeting summer 2024! (sign up for our newsletter for updates)

But every time I tried on the types of words that made a whole lot more sense, one kept popping back up in my mind. Cozy.

The funny thing is, this happened to me last year, too. I wanted my word to be purpose, but what kept popping up that January was easy. Even though I had NO REASON to think that it would be a year of ease.

But you know what? Looking back, I did embrace ease. I embraced the fluidity to start projects and campaigns and structures that were both hugely productive and full of ease and flow.

So I'm trusting, again. Maybe it means more coziness at home. A cozy vision for Mood House 2? Or even here at Dilworth. Maybe we need to make more candles and bath salts?

Maybe it's not about Mood House at all. Maybe I'm the one who needs more baths.

We'll see! And I'm open. In the meantime, here's to a warm, joyful, relaxing, cozy year ahead for us all.

Don't forget - The Year of Self-Care is here

All Mood House members are invited to join us in our inaugural Year of Self-Care Challenge. We're helping you take that extra step, and set aside time for you every month.

It's simple. If you come in for your monthly massage every calendar month in 2024, you have fabulous – and exclusive – prizes and experiences coming your way this year. Joining the challenge is super easy - you can enroll here.

Need Charlotte's best massage?

Here are weekend openings, available to book a massage online now.


- 1:45p / 50-Minute Massage
- 2:45p / 50-Minute Massage
- 7:15p / 50-Minute Massage


- 11a / 50-Minute Massage
- 12p / 50-Minute Massage


- 7:45a / 50-Minute Massage
- 9a / 50-Minute Massage
- 3p / 50-Minute Massage

- 8a / 50-Minute Massage
- 12p / 50-Minute Massage
- 4p / 50-Minute Massage

See you for a stress-melting massage soon!

What Our Clients are Saying

Mood House is so powerful! I slept like a baby last night and today I have so much more brain space.

- Bri C.

Thank you for a safe, relaxing, enjoyable, beautiful, and fun experience.

- Brittany S.

10.5 out of 10 stars if that’s possible. Genius. Perfect. I feel so much better.

- Meghan L.

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